ICHMT Grants

Consistent with its international goals, ICHMT organizes regular symposia and other technical meetings on behalf of the international community in heat and mass transfer. The Executive Committee of ICHMT has recognised that, for many scientists and engineers with much to gain and to offer by participation in such meetings, the provision of the necessary finance to cover travel, accommodation and fees may be an insurmountable burden. The Executive Committee may be able to provide limited funding to support the attendance of scientists and engineers at future meetings. Priority will be given to students and scientists from the Developing Countries. Grants will be allocated in response to applications received according to the rules set out below.

(1) Applications for support (in electronic form) should be received by the Secretary General of ICHMT at least six months before the meeting and should contain:
(a) A summary of the reasons why the applicant would benefit from attendance. A particularly significant factor would be that the applicant had submitted a paper for the meeting.
(b) An estimate of the total costs to be incurred by the applicant (including travel at the lowest available fares, hotel accommodation and conference fees).
(c) A statement from a senior officer of the applicant’s Institution (University, Laboratory etc) that funds were not available from the Institution, or from Government or other bodies in the country in which the Institution was located, to support the complete costs of attendance. This statement should indicate the extent to which funds will be available from such sources. It should be sent separately by the Institution in the form of an e-mail or an e-mail attachment.

(2) Applications will be assessed by a Grants Sub-Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee of ICHMT, comprising not less than four persons, at least two of whom, including the Grants Sub-Committee Chairman, will be members of the Executive Committee.

(3) Grants will be made against a budget for each meeting set by the Executive Committee and will normally include the conference fee plus not more than 50% of the other costs.

(4) Applicants for grants will be informed of the outcome of their applications not later than four months before the start of the meeting.

(5) The grants will be given by the Secretary General or Symposium Chair at the meeting, who will require proof of costs relating to attendance at the meeting (including copies of all relevant receipts, tickets etc).

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