Fellowship Award

ICHMT fellows are elected from ICHMT members in recognition of administrative or organizational services provided to the Centre such as successful organization of International Symposia, Seminars, Advanced Courses or other scientific events, contributions to ICHMT publishing Activities or long and active service on the Executive Committee or Scientific Council. No more than two fellows can be elected each year. The award procedure is in the working rules of the Honors & Awards Committee. The past recipients of the Fellowship Award are given in the table below.

ICHMT Fellowship Award

1980 W. Begell, J. Ginoux, D.A. de Vries
1981 S.G. Bankoff, O.C.Jones, Jr.
1982 G.F. Hewitt, G. Tsiklauri
1983 N.H. Afgan, M. Combarnous, D. Metzger, E.U. Schlunder, Z. Zaric
1986 T.F. Irvine, Jr., A.A. Zukauskas
1987 C.J. Hoogendoorn
1988 A.E. Bergles, E. Hahne
1989 W.M. Rohsenow, O. Martynenko
1990 E.M. Khabakhpasheva
1994 J.P. Hartnett, A.I. Leontiev
1995 J.T. Rogers, S. Sideman
1996 G. De Vahl Davis, W. Nakayama, C.L. Tien
1997 S. Kakac
1998 F. Arinc, L.S. "Skip" Fletcher
2001 M. Cumo
2002 M. Pinar Menguc, K. Suzuki
2004 R.J. Goldstein
2005 N. Selcuk
2006 K. Hanjalic
2008 E. Leonardi
2009 G.-P. Celata
2010 J. Padet, T. Simon
2011 N. Kasagi
2012 Y. Bayazıtoğlu
2014 D. Lemonnier
2015 B. W. Webb
2016 P. C. Stephan, Y. Jaluria
2018 R. M. Cotta
2019 J.F. Sacadura
2022 L. A. Dombrovsky, M. Rebay
2023 P. J. M. Coelho
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