ICHMT Meetings

Latest News

  • ICHMT Executive Committee congratulates Prof. Pedro Coelho, the winner of 2023 ICHMT Fellowship Award.
  • ICHMT 2023 Hartnett-Irvine Award goes to Yufeng Zhang, Aoran Fan, Weigang Ma, Haidong Wang, Xing Zhang with their IHTC-17 paper titled “Study of solid-solid interface heat transport mechanism of nanomaterials”. ICHMT Executive Committee congratulates the authors.

  • The International Symposium on Low-Carbon Thermal Energy Science and Technology (LCET-2025) to take place in Istanbul, Turkiye in 15-17 October 2025.

  • Please find the first announcement for RAD25: THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT FOR RAD-25

  • 11th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-25: THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THMT-25

  • The first International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media: Fundamentals and Applications (HMT-PM 2024) will be held in Xi'an, China on November 7-10, 2024.

  • Call for Nominations: The 2024 Elsevier/JQSRT Raymond Viskanta Awards

    The Elsevier young-scientist award in the category of Radiative Transfer is named after Professor Raymond Viskanta (1931-2021) of Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) to honor his profound contributions to the field of Radiative Transfer since 1950s.

    The Viskanta Award on Radiation Transfer for 2024 is open to early-career scientists and engineers who work on the theory and application of radiative transfer. There will be one award to be presented at the 5th International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, Nanorad2024 in Sapporo, Japan (17-19 July, 2024).

  • The winner of the 2023 Hewitt-Goldstein Young Investigator Award is Prof. Ming-Jia Li of Beijing Institute of Technology. The description of this newly established prestigous ICHMT award can be found here . Prof. Li will receive her award with a ceremony during CHT24 in Istanbul.

  • Professor Maurizio Cumo, past president of ICHMT, passed away on January 1, 2024. He also served as the chair and the vice-chair of the Executive Committee. He was the recipient of ICHMT’s Luikov Medal and ICHMT Fellowship Award. We extend our condolences to his family and friends.

  • The Heat Transfer Society of Japan solicits nomination for the Nukiyama Memorial Award 2024. The deadline for accepting nominations for the Award is 30 September 2023. The nomination form can be downloaded here, and more information can be accessed at this linked website


ICHMT provides a unique apolitical forum for the world's leading heat and mass transfer scientists and engineers. Our mission is to pursue excellence and foster the international exchange of science and engineering in all branches of heat and mass transfer through symposia, publications, and promotion of research, education and exchange of personnel for the benefit of people everywhere.

ICHMT Digital Library

The Proceedings of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer represent the publications of the Centre derived from International Seminars, International Schools, Symposia, Short Courses and Forums. These meetings represent an extensive achievement, on an international scale, of the Centre and its mission. Covering all branches of heat and mass transfer, the Proceedings show the pursuit of excellence and the fostering of international cooperation. The coverage of the Proceedings extends from the basic fundamentals to the forefront research in the field of thermofluid engineering, in both industrial and academic, as well as computational fields.

Begell House Publishers, Inc. developed and maintains the ICHMT Digital Library. Begell House, since 1994, has been the official publishing arm of ICHMT, and continues to this day.

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